2021年3月22日(月)、福岡マスジド アンヌールイスラム文化センターの監査を経て、焼菓子製造ラインの一部をハラール専用ラインとし、そこで製造する「さくらせんべい」に対して、同センターから日本国内の流通に有効なハラール認証を取得いたしました。
本認証の取得にあたっては、九州国際大学 現代ビジネス学部「北九州ムスリム・フレンドリー推進プロジェクト事務局」でプロボノ活動をされている 大形里美教授に貴重な時間を割いてサポートいただきました。ムスリム留学生との商品開発意見交換会の実施、福岡マスジドへの使用原材料の確認や認証取得への必要事項確認など、終始丁寧にご対応いただきました。
2020年3月実施工場監査 福岡マスジドよりいただいたサイン
Nanao Confectionery Acquired “Free-of-Charge Halal Certificate” from Fukuoka Masjid
~ Part of its baked sweets production line is now dedicated to preparing halal sweets ~
Nanao Confectionery Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, founded in 1957, President: Midori Harada), well known in Japan for “French Papiro” and “Taiko Senbei,” has converted part of its baked sweets production line to a dedicated halal section. Following an audit by the Fukuoka Masjid Al Nour Islamic Center, the Company acquired a halal certificate from the Center for “Sakura Senbei” manufactured on the above-mentioned halal-dedicated line on Monday, March 22, 2021. This certificate allows the Company to distribute “Sakura Senbei” inside Japan.
In acquiring this certificate, Professor Satomi Ohgata, who is engaged in pro bono activities at the Management Office of Kitakyushu Muslim Friendly Promotion Project in the Faculty of Contemporary Business at Kyushu International University, spared her valuable time to provide support. She was always sincere and helpful in holding an opinion exchange meeting with Muslim international students concerning product development, in checking with Fukuoka Masjid about raw materials, requirements, and other matters for obtaining certificate for “Sakura Senbei.”
Fukuoka Masjid issued the halal certificate free of charge so to avoid any extra financial burden on enterprises or Muslim consumers.
Nanao Confectionery is one of the biggest producers of wheat flour baked sweets in Japan. No matter how diversified culture and customs are, the Company believes that providing the market with “safe and delicious sweets that everyone can enjoy at any time” is one of its social roles.
Sweets manufactured on its halal-certified baked sweets production line will be put on the market soon after undergoing the necessary mandatory food inspections.